Starfish Literacy is committed to consistently building an inclusive and anti-racist business.

Our Values

  • Every human deserves to be seen and understood. Starfish Literacy recognizes the importance and impact of visibility so all students feel connected to literacy. Starfish Literacy also recognizes that building an inclusive and anti-racist business means celebrating the beauty and joy in diversity.

    “In our work and in our living, we must recognize that difference is a reason for celebration and growth, rather than a reason for destruction.” - Audre Lorde

  • Starfish Literacy commits to constantly improving resources and workshops to be as inclusive and accessible as possible to accommodate the diverse needs of every learner. From image descriptions, to embedded captioning, color contrast and more – Starfish Literacy strives to reduce and eliminate the barriers to access of information.

    Starfish Literacy understands the time, energy and reflection it takes to focus on uplifting equitable outcomes for every literacy student.

  • Starfish Literacy recognizes the importance of addressing inequity and commits to an ongoing conscious effort to examine areas in need of change and create positive change. This is an ever-evolving learning and building process that Starfish Literacy is proud to embrace.

    Financial privilege exists. Too often financial gatekeeping prevents educational assistance. Starfish Literacy recognizes this and is committed to opening opportunities through equitable payment – you pay what you are able.


Looking for some resources to support your equitable and inclusive parenting? Here are some resources we love at Starfish Literacy.